On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 11:17 AM, John McKerrell<j...@mckerrell.net> wrote:
> Next week I'm giving a talk about "OpenStreetView" at the State of the
> Map conference. One of the things I want to do with the project is try
> to host all of the photographs that people take while they're out
> mapping. Because most people are likely to have a number of Gb of
> photos and not be able to upload them easily I want to invite anyone
> who's going to SOTM to take as many of their photos with them. I'll be
> taking a large external hard drive with me and will collect photos
> there and then so that you don't have to worry about uploading them.
> Once I have the photos it's still going to take me some time to get
> them uploaded and prepared but I thought because many of us will be
> congregating it would be a good time to collect as many photos as
> possible. Don't resize the photos (unless you already have of course)
> I'd prefer to get the original files if possible.

Here are a bunch of very large correctly georeferenced images images
I've taken during mapping parties:


And here's a script you can use to download all the images from a set
on flickr, if you have an API key:


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