On 5 Jul 2009, at 17:05, Eddy Petrișor wrote:

> John McKerrell a scris:
>> On 5 Jul 2009, at 15:31, OJ W wrote:
>>> do you need georeferencing to be embedded in the image when we give
>>> them to you (if so what format), or can that be done later by
>>> uploading GPX traces to our openstreetview account?
>> I forgot to say, if you are able to georeference your images then
> I have some georeferenced photos taken in Romania, in the areas I
> mapped, and  I won't come to SOTM, but I would like to be able to  
> upload
> them.
> How can I upload myself the georeferenced pictures I have?

Currently you can't as I'm still getting the code written but it's  
definitely going to be possible to upload using at least web upload  
and FTP. I'm mainly collecting images at SOTM to make it easier for  
people and save them having to use their own bandwidth.

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