From: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <>
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 4:58 AM, Stefan Baebler<> 
> wrote:
> > Are there any further plans to translate the maps based on wikipedia data?
> > Would that various names be better imported into main OSM db or just
> > into the DB for rendering?
> > Will this translation be done based only on language links in existing
> > articles or also based on lists of exonyms [1], which would cover also
> > places without wikipedia articles?
> I hadn't planned on doing any sort of automagic OSM <-> Wikipedia
> integration for getting i18n names, no.
> But if you're interested in working on it that's great. It's just a
> regular open source project a few of us are working on as hobby, so
> any current plans are just the union of the ideas people are currently
> interested in working on.

There's a huge community of translators on the web. OpenStreetMap can work with 
them directly.

Wikipedia, Global Voices, Meedan, and many more working on content.
Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenOffice, and many many more working on software.
Just a few weeks before SotM, the Open Translation Tools conference was held in 
Amsterdam :) (

Translators are used to a certain kind of interface, typically lists of phrases 
to translate.
We can build an interface more welcoming for translators, and tap into this 
huge community.
They want to simply translate, not add new data to the map .. 
and as OSM grows, we're going to need to offer multiple interfaces to appeal to 
different types of contributors

What I envision is a simple app, with a slippy map. Zoom/pan to the area of 
interest, select the types of things you want to translate, and submit.
The app generates a list, with the name of the object, the localised names in 
the languages you're interested in, and a small inset static map for reference.
Add your translations, submit. The app gets authorization through OAuth, and 
submits your changeset.

Anyone interested in helping build this kind of app? Any other ideas? Let's do 

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