On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Cartinus<carti...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> For three reasons:
> 1) In the part of my e-mail you did not quote I just pointed out lots of
> people don't read those definitions. The difference between the words
> maxheight and maxheight:physical is not explicit enough.
> 2) Because the old definition of maxheight didn't explicitly state it was a
> legal and not a physical limitation. Just changing the definition now doesn't
> magically transform all the places where people already tagged a physical
> maxheight with the maxheight tag into a maxheight:physical tag. At least not
> until somebody invents a mindreading osm-bot.
> 3) The people who do not care/know about the difference are still going to tag
> a physical maxheight with the maxheight tag.
> The endresult is that you will never know whether something tagged with just
> maxheight is a physical and/or legal limitation.


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