2009/8/10 John Smith <delta_foxt...@yahoo.com>:
>>    I didn't record PDOP information and
>> such, but are there any solutions to
>> record decent GPS traces on trails under forest canopy data
>> collection other
>> than a high end professional GPS datalogger?
> Not all data loggers are the same some have a much higher sensitivity.

+1, actually you don't need (for better accuracy than 100 m) a high
end professional DGPS (at least several thousand quid).

> You might be able to use sat overlays to estimate the true path.
won't be more precise though (if you really mean sat and not aerial
photo). In the end you would be tracing from aerial and use the track
just as an "reminder".

> It really depends what options you have available and how much time, money, 
> effort etc you are willing to spend on it.
Yes, if you have some time it will be an option to wait for the leaves
falling in autumn (seriously).


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