On Sun, 23 Aug 2009 13:46:35 +0200, Pieren wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 12:48 PM, David Paleino<d.pale...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The first usage is putting highway=stop in the node where ways intersect:
> > this is not right, since that intersection represents (more-or-less) the
> > center of the junction, and I've never seen a stop sign in the middle of a
> > junction ;-)
> They are countries where intersections have a stop sign to all ways.

Then just add stop=yes to all ways (or stop=both, or -1, whatever applies).

However, I can't understand how a stop sign to all ways is in any way different
from no sign at any way. Could you please explain this?

> The sign is maybe not in the middle of the junction but the rule
> applies for all ways and I would say tagging the intersection node in
> this particular case is correct. It's not because you didn't see one
> of them to say it is incorrect usage.

Sure, but then highway=stop would only be useful in these kind of junctions!
(and I've seen none yet)

> > Imagine we have Foo Road intersecting Bar Avenue -- and Foo Road has stops
> > on both sides of the junction, on separate nodes. This is what routing
> > softwares (I believe) will say:
> >
> >  "Go straight on Foo Road, then stop, continue on Foo Road, then pass the
> >  junction with Bar Avenue, go on Foo Road, stop, continue on Foo Road"
> >
> > This is obviously wrong.
> In your case, it's more a bug in the software that is not able to
> interpret the topology of the intersection.

Fair enough.

> If the stop nodes are very closed to the intersection, it's easy to find out
> on which intersection the rule applies.

How much close do you put the node to the intersection? That's arbitrary -- and
I don't personally like that much :-)

> In special cases or complex intersections, I would rather create a relation
> as it is already proposed on the wiki.

Still I believe a tag for involved ways would be much better than any kind of
relation. Since junctions are composed of streets, tagging the streets on which
you read a stop sign with stop=* doesn't add much complexity. Sure, it would
then be software's duty to understand the tag.


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