On Sun, 23 Aug 2009 16:58:36 +0100, Craig Wallace wrote:

> On 23/08/2009 15:45, David Paleino wrote:
> > On Sun, 23 Aug 2009 14:27:42 +0200, Tobias Knerr wrote:
> >    
> >> David Paleino wrote:
> >>      
> >>> I'd like to start discussion on the deprecation of the Tag:highway=stop in
> >>> favour of using stop=yes/both/-1.
> >> How about adding forward/backward information to each stop sign node
> >> instead? Would depend on way direction, of course, but as the stop nodes
> >> would be placed on single ways rather than intersections, it would be
> >> possible. Is there a reason why you didn't choose this approach?
> >
> > Read my reply to Pieren: how close you put the stop sign to the effective
> > junction is pretty arbitrary, that's why I'm trying to abandon my
> > "established" way of mapping those.
> Why not place the stop sign node where the stop line / stop sign is 
> physically located?
> Nothing arbitrary about that. You can measure the distance from the stop 
> line to the centre of the junction of you want.

You'd still need some kind of relationship for that to be effective (i.e. to
relate the highway=stop to the junction node) -- and AFAICT typical consumer
GPS units aren't that precise.

(btw, that's what I've done until now, taking waypoints where stop signs/lines
physically were)


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