--- On Mon, 24/8/09, Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It wasn't my suggestion. I don't like the idea of "putting
> a node just
> before the intersection", because that is arbitrary. If
> we're tagging
> an attribute of the way, tag the way - if we're tagging an
> attribute
> of the intersection, tag the intersection.

So tag it to the side the road where the GPS cords are then.

> I don't know why you make the comment that "making
> relations and
> splitting ways" is convoluted. One of the main reasons for
> David's
> proposal here is to avoid the need for a relation. And
> "splitting
> ways" is already quite a common way to deal with these
> issues in OSM,
> is it not (e.g. turn restrictions)?

I didn't say that I agreed with that practice either.

> As for whether people will "be bothered" to tag a way,
> well, I'm not
> sure. But I don't think mappers are generally lazy. Prone
> to
> misunderstanding and confusion, sure, but not lazy.

Some people aren't interested in the finer points of mapping, especially when 
you have a blank canvas. Going out of your way to map stop signs in a difficult 
way isn't high on the priority list when streets aren't mapped yet.


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