On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 08:16:34 +1000, Roy Wallace wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 1:58 AM, David Paleino<d.pale...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Well, they must IMHO. The wiki explains the ontology of the tags we're
> > using, and the wiki is the main regulamentation for tags. Otherwise we go
> > wild, and everyone uses what she likes best.
> Yes, but STILL - tags should be self-explanatory. It would make life
> easier for everyone (even those that DO read the wiki). People will
> make less mistakes if tags are self-explanatory. Self-explanatory tags
> are also easier to memorise. I'm not suggesting at all that people
> shouldn't read the wiki.

Ok, I misunderstood you, sorry :)

> >> E.g. stop=both could be misunderstood to mean "both directions", or "both
> >> intersecting ways", etc.
> >
> > stop=both_sides? Propose something :-)
> I already did:
> stop=at_last_node
> stop=at_first_node
> stop=at_first_and_last_node
> This is, after all, *exactly* what you're trying to denote.

Yes, I don't particularly like the wording but, hey, I can't get everything
from life! ;)

> > If I understood "East-bound" and "West-bound" correctly, you mean:
> >
> >  http://imagebin.ca/view/bJWJB6.html
> Unfortunately I can't access that image :( See mine: http://imagebin.org/60947
> So for A, stop=at_last_node. We need to make clear that the green car
> doesn't have to stop when it crosses the last node of A. Hence, maybe
> something like "The stop sign only applies when the node is approached
> from the way that is tagged".

Ok, great, that's exactly what I understood from your last mail.

Yes, the stop sign only applies (with respect to the value
at_{last,first}_node) when it is approached from its own way.

In particular, the value at_first_node (in my/Stemby's proposal, "-1"), should
be used when the way is oneway=no [1], but for any reason we don't want to
change its direction (i.e. "R" in josm) -- the stop applies to the junction
which the first node of the way takes part to.

Hope this is clearer.

Still, like I said, I don't like the particular wording, I bet we can still
find something better. Sure your wording is much more self-explainatory than


[1] this is obvious -- having stop=at_first_node/stop=-1 in a oneway=yes way
    would grant a maplint error (I'd put it even in JOSM's "validator" plugin)

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