2009/8/25 Mike Harris <mik...@googlemail.com>:
> I just tried to apply the 'architects' convention' of steps 'always' being 
> from bottom to top. Then for unrelated reasons I reversed the way. Unlike 
> 'oneway' this does not reverse the direction of the steps - i.e. the software 
> doesn't know about the architects' convention. So I have to conclude that - 
> at present at least - the assumption of an implicit sense is risky.

yes, I know it is risky. I wanted to write this convention to the wiki
some time ago, but then a discussion on talk-de started, why it could
be more "natural"/"logical" to do it the other way round, and in the
end no conclusion could be achieved. It is just a convention, all
architects know about it. It has IMHO nothing to do with logics or


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