I second option that highway tag isn't used for physical purposes.
Physical status of road *can* define it's importance (legal or
subjective), and I think there is where disagreement is.

More or less comon practice is to follow some kind of rules/laws when
tagging roads. But it is also clear that it won't work for all 100%,
there will be small perntage when road shall be tagged by user's
judgement. What I think that user should have very clear guidelines
how to act in scenario like that. For example, in my country there
were discussions how to tag backstreet streets. I was thinking about
living_street, but there were arguments, that "Living street"
("Dzīvojama zona" here) is legal term and there is special sign which
indicates start or finish of such zone.

However, after careful vetting, one of us found that law already says
what I have suspected - backstreet streets are living streets by

So I think wiki must have clear rules how to act when highway's
importance status is not known and trust people instincts - but in
same time, user should investigate situation before doing so.


2009/8/28 Alex Mauer <ha...@hawkesnest.net>:
> On 08/28/2009 03:46 AM, Gervase Markham wrote:
>> If dieterdriest has found a number of people who've been ignoring the
>> definition,
> Nobody (that I know of) has been ignoring the definition.  It's just
> that the definitions didn't match the top-leveldescription.  *None* of
> the definitions of the highway values has ever described the physical
> characteristics of the road, apart from motorway in a very limited sense.
> -Alex Mauer "hawke"
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