On 26/08/09 21:42, Mikel Maron wrote:
> IMO, the wiki should reflect the current collective thinking. If the
> collective thinking is in disagreement,
> then the wiki should show both sides, equally, with _respectful_
> disagreement.

If, however many years after starting the project, we are in respectful 
disagreement about what the *&%$ highway tag means, then we are 
absolutely doomed.

How on earth is anyone going to be able to rely on OSM data for anything 
if the meaning of the tags keeps changing?

If dieterdriest has found a number of people who've been ignoring the 
definition, then he should tell them to fix the roads they've mistagged 
and to read more carefully next time. If I'd spent ages tagging a number 
of roads carefully according to a definition and then someone changed 
the definition so that a load of my tagging was now wrong, I would be 
most upset.

We are far too late on in the project to be asking contributors to 
revisit every highway tag in the database to check it conforms to some 
new definition.


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