
 > 1.) with great power comes great responsibility!
We'll have to distribute this responsibility to many shoulders and do it 

> 2.) the number of votes should depend on the complexity (number of
> affected objects?)
that's cool..

> 3.) mailing lists might be flooded because every single (and simple)
> revert request is sent to a complete list - of course I don't know how
> many reverts might be requested per time
How about some kind of community within this tool, excluding the 
mailinglist or including it after 10% of the needed votes are done.

We could have some lists like "recent revert-requests", "revert requests 
with the lowest number of votes" to get people to vote for them.

> generally it's an idea worth thinking about it because right now only a
> few people are able to conduct such complex operations properly
and that's not compatible with the osm approach of allowing anybody to 
commit data, from the nerd to the dau *)


*) sorry for that, i don't know how "Lischen Müller" is called in english ;)

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