Ed Avis wrote:
> I think I'll still use my Garmin GPS for recording tracks, since I presume it
> has better sensitivity than the Blackberry's builtin GPS, but I think you 
> could
> use this app to record traces too.  I haven't dug around to see if it lets you
> export GPX format.

I can't speak for the 8900 (yet) but the Blackberries that I've looked 
at in detail did have GPSes that were some of the better ones for phone 
built-in ones.  Comparing tracks from an 8800 or an 8310 with lots of 
previously recorded Garmin ones I was surprised that they seemed to be 
pretty similar in terms of accuracy and variation.

The Blackberry API provides plenty of information (speed, accuracy etc.) 
to any application that wants to use it.

I've used http://www.bbtracker.org/ on a Blackberry.  It doesn't make it 
into a Garmin replacement (it doesn't magically make it waterproof, for 
a start), but it's fine as an ad-hoc way of recording tracks.

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