David Muir Sharnoff wrote:
> Perhaps the OSM database should be moved out of the EU to a location
> that doesn't suffer from a Database Rights law.    Extracting from
> no-EU data source by people not in the EU would then be okay for sure.

Great! Let us know when you've secured the funding for this move, and
we'll start work on it.

>   Extending the Database Rights law to extracting turn restrictions
> from Streetview is a stretch anyway: they turn restrictions aren't
> part of the original data.

If the photos are geocoded -- which SV's are -- then you are deriving
data from the whole product, both picture and location. This constitutes
a database. While the law on this may be a grey area, it's not worth our
while becoming the test case and jeopardising (geopardising?) the whole
project for relatively little gain.

Jonathan (Jonobennett)

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