Emilie Laffray wrote:
> 2009/9/11 Valent Turkovic <valent.turko...@gmail.com>
> > Hi there,
> > I'm wondering how to map different quarters of some city, town and
> > villages.
> >
> > Currently on wiki I only found place=suburb tag and I see that it is used
> > also for mapping city's quarters.
> >
> > Only issue is that when you map quarter of some town or village currently
> > the quarter has bigger font than name of village or town.
> >
> > Example here:
> >
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=45.4886&lon=18.0925&zoom=14&layers=B000
> >FTF
> We discussed it some time ago on the French mailing list. We decided to use
> place=locality when it was not an administrative area of any kind.

In Belgium we use place=hamlet for them. It's probably skewing the definition 
of hamlet a bit but:

(a) locality is for place names - not linked to a place where people live. 
Although it may sometimes be unclear whether that's the case or not -- a piece 
of land which had a name before houses were built there could have kept its 
name, but now it's a quarter. So actually it's not skewing the definition of 
hamlet too much: many of those quarters used to be hamlets but just got merged 
into a bigger village or town.

(b) using suburb would also be skewing its definition a bit if you'd use it 
for quarters in small villages. The wiki page of suburb says it's for 
place=city suburbs (i.e. considerably larger entities than quarters), and 
renderers share that thought


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