2009/9/21 Shaun McDonald <sh...@shaunmcdonald.me.uk>:
>> (see landuse=forest, natural=forest, landuse=wood, natural=wood).
> Speak to someone from the forestry commision or similar and they'll tell you
> difference between all of the above.

yes, but unfortunately not all mappers are forresters.

>> Actually it is not a must to document, but I wouldn't discourage
>> people who want to do it: it helps not creating ambiguities which are
>> hard to get rid off, as the OSM-history has proven.
> I'm not saying it shouldn't be documented. What I don't like seeing is
> people proposing lots of things that no one has started to tag. It's better
> to have a few ways to tag something and then decide which is the best method
> after you have tried a few.

I agree for tagging-schemes and wider approaches, but when it comes to
single words those situations are never decided in OSM: usually just
both "solutions" are kept - and yes, I admit, even more when there are
wiki-definitions for both of them ;-)


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