2009/9/24 Ed Loach <e...@loach.me.uk>:
> We?

The talk-au list

> Anyway, you all seem to have missed source=User Defined on map

It also says on the map features page:

You can use any tags you like as long as the values are verifiable.
However, there is a benefit in agreeing to a recommended set of
features and corresponding tags in order to create, interpret and
display a common basemap.

source=survey is one such tag in the recommended set of features,
source=GPS isn't documented on the map features page nor on the
Key:source page.

> features and the whole of the Key:source page. While GPS isn't
> specifically mentioned anywhere that I can see, source=GPS is
> clearly a more detailed use than source=survey which could be "or
> other physical survey" (Map Features). I personally don't bother

Then use:


Simply stating GPS is no better than stating survey because you don't
know what type of GPS was used.

> As you all can see from Tagwatch there are many variations on a
> theme:
> http://tagwatch.stoecker.eu/Great_britain/En/ignored_source.html

Doesn't mean things shouldn't be made consistent where possible.

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