Tom Hughes wrote:
> On 25/09/09 13:16, Dave F. wrote:
>> I had an email conversation with the mapping officer from my local
>> council. He intimated that the data relating to public rights of way,
>> and its associated copyright, would belong to the Local Council. When
>> they make a legal order to record a public right of way they send a copy
>> of the order to the OS who then copy the line of the right of way onto
>> their own maps.
> In principle that is correct - the problem arises if the council has 
> referred to an OS map in any way while defining the right of way. If 
> they have then the OS will claim it is a derived work and infected by 
> their copyright etc.
> Tom
The map he sent is titled as a Definitive Map. It has an OS underlay, 
but the information laid on top is compiled from Council gathered info. 
eg GPS survey equipment from an independent company employed to produce 
the definitive maps.
It would come down to what you, I, council & OS mean by 'define' I suppose.

This is the copyright at the bottom:
"Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the 
Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright.  
Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to 
prosecution or civil proceedings."

Note it says 'reproduced' not produced. Not sure if that is significant 
or not.

If I was to transfer the paths, I wouldn't be copying the OS underlay 
map just the ways of the path. Does that make a difference?

Dave F.

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