2009/10/9 Lulu-Ann <lulu-...@gmx.de>:
> Hello list members,
> starting today there is a visual slippy map displaying map features for
> the blind an visually impaired available in a beta testing state:
> http://freenet-homepage.de/rapunzely/OSM/blindmap.html
> Hobby cartographers without visual impairment can now check their
> contributions to the map for the blind, what will give them motivation.
> That is how the map will force the adding of tags relevant for tactile
> maps and navigation software for the blind as the next steps.
> The two tags "tactile paving" and "traffic_signals:sound" are
> already surprisingly often used.
> Thank you to all contributors!
> More tags will be added from time to time.
> Please spread this information to your interested friends
> and colleagues.

Not quite the same thing but I was told last week some colour blind
people can't use Google maps because there is too much green, but they
can use maps based on OSM data, not sure which style etc, because it
has less/no green

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