Hi all,
  Looks like the routing list doesn't get much traffic, so hope it's
ok to ask two routing questions here:

1) I've ordered a Garmin Oregon 550. Will it be possible to do live
routing with OSM data, including bike paths?

(I'm pretty sure the first part is yes. It's the second bit I'm
worried about - will it be able to route from roads to off-road bike
paths back to roads... I mean doing the routing on the GSPr itself,
not precomputing it.)

2) I'm using the CloudMade site to test routing and fix bike paths in
my local area accordingly. But they only update their data once a week
or so. Is there a better way? What would I have to download and
install to be able to have a shorter turnaround time?

A bit of context: I only just discovered that with cloudmade, you can
route along bike paths. Incredible. I tested it for a couple of rides
I've done in the last year or two, and it instantly figured out
virtually the exact same route I used (including major roads, bike
paths, rail trails...) I find this extremely cool and have been fixing
up the bike paths, adding more links to roads etc. And now I want this
routing with me all the time! :)


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