On 26/11/2009 18:55, Steve Bennett wrote:
> Hi all,
>    Looks like the routing list doesn't get much traffic, so hope it's
> ok to ask two routing questions here:
> 1) I've ordered a Garmin Oregon 550. Will it be possible to do live
> routing with OSM data, including bike paths?
> (I'm pretty sure the first part is yes. It's the second bit I'm
> worried about - will it be able to route from roads to off-road bike
> paths back to roads... I mean doing the routing on the GSPr itself,
> not precomputing it.)
Simple answer is yes. Set the "Calculate routes for" option to bicycle, 
and it should create routes that use bike paths. Though I've not used 
the Oregon, but on most Garmin's the bicycle routing is not very good 
IME. It has a tendency to take huge detours to avoid small sections of 
main roads.
You could try Openmtbmap - its OSM maps for Garmins, but with the road 
types edited so bicycle routing works better: http://openmtbmap.org/

> 2) I'm using the CloudMade site to test routing and fix bike paths in
> my local area accordingly. But they only update their data once a week
> or so. Is there a better way? What would I have to download and
> install to be able to have a shorter turnaround time?
Seeing as you want the data on your Garmin, you could download it in OSM 
format, and test routing in Garmin Mapsource (assuming you have it 
There's quite a few places that provide OSM data in Garmin format (eg 
Openmtbmap as above), but most are only updated weekly or so.

Or you can download the OSM data for your area, then use mkgmap to 
convert it to Garmin format, and use it in Mapsource. This means it can 
be more up to date, though its more complicated. Instructions here: 


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