On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Craig Wallace <craig...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Simple answer is yes. Set the "Calculate routes for" option to bicycle,
> and it should create routes that use bike paths. Though I've not used
> the Oregon, but on most Garmin's the bicycle routing is not very good
> IME. It has a tendency to take huge detours to avoid small sections of
> main roads.
> You could try Openmtbmap - its OSM maps for Garmins, but with the road
> types edited so bicycle routing works better: http://openmtbmap.org/

Looks like Openmtbmap is only europe/africa, but there are some useful
links from there. Plenty to play with, thanks!

> Seeing as you want the data on your Garmin, you could download it in OSM
> format, and test routing in Garmin Mapsource (assuming you have it
> installed).
> There's quite a few places that provide OSM data in Garmin format (eg
> Openmtbmap as above), but most are only updated weekly or so.

Yeah, looks like there are quite a few options. Now to find one that works...

Thanks again,

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