Hi Frederick,

Answers below.  Oleg Shaniuk is the CM developer who presented about
Mapzen POI Collector at SOTM - he'll be able to give more detail than

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 12:28 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Nick,
> Nick Black wrote:
>> Mapzen POI Collector is a free iPhone app that makes it really easy to
>> collect POIs for OpenStreetMap. Users locate themselves using the
>> iPhone's built in GPS, position a pin at the location of the POI they
>> want to add and then choose from a range of pre-selected categories.
> I'm lacking an iPhone myself so excuse me if my questions are stupid. I'm
> interested in hearing about some technology aspects behind the POI collector
> (unless these are terribly secret).

There are no stupid questions - only stupid people who don't ask questions :-)

> I assume that the POI collector not only lets you collect new POIs but also
> modify existing ones. For this, the existing ones must be shown as active
> elements on the map that the device displays. Given that the OSM server
> proper is too slow to answer real-time "give me POIs in my vicinity"
> queries, and given that XAPI is not generally reliable for anything
> commercial grade, I assume that you are using your own XAPI-like POI
> database which tracks changes from the main OSM server and feeds them to the
> iPhone users, is that correct?

Mapzen POI Collector talks to the live OSM server - both to read and
write.  We looked at created a XAPI like server, but the for the first
versions of all of the Mapzen tools we decided it was not worth it.
The server is actually quite responsive for POIs - maybe its because
node queries are faster than way queries and because the bboxes are
generally very small (equal to a few tiles).  The fact that everything
is slow due to network latency and the general slowness of 3G networks
in EU + US has a perverse effect of the user experience in that both
the tiles and POIs load slowly, lessening the impact of slow loading

The Mapzen Editor (mapzen.cloudmade.com) is another matter.  The data
can load very slowly - its a common user complaint.  Going forward
we'll want to speed up loading data into the Mapzen editor a lot.  We
have some ideas about how to do this on the client side (happy to
share if anyone is interested), but the bottleneck is going to be the
server.  Having a XAPI like server would let us split requests for
different layers and generally speed things up.  It does raise issues
around conflicts though.  An alternative is to speed up the main OSM
server - this is good because then everyone in the community benefits
(eg Potlatch and other editor users) and mainly because it reduces
issues around conflicts.  If we ended up doing a CM XAPI, we'd open up
access to anyone who wanted to use it anyway, so other editors and
mappers could benefit.

> Are you simply getting a feed that is close to real-time as possible and
> then let the device send updates directly to the OSM server, and what do you
> do in the hopefully rare case of an editing conflict?

As we're reading from and writing to live OSM, conflicts are rare.  It
would be pretty cool to be standing outside a shop, adding it as a POI
with Mapzen, only to discover an OSMer standing next to you, adding
the same shop with Vespucci.  Its going to happen sooner or later...

Nick Black

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