Pieren schrieb:
> On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 5:25 PM, andrzej zaborowski <balr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I missed an option saying I'm in favour of ODbL but may not be in
>> position to agree to relicense all data I uploaded (because part of it
>> is CC-BY-SA owned by other authors).
>> Cheers
> As far as I understood (but some experts might rectify if I'm wrong),
> only the last contributor of an element will have to accept the new
> licence. So if your uploads are based on other authors who will reject
> the new licence, the data will remain anyway if "you, the last
> contributor in the history of this element" accepts the new licence.


So I can write a small script that touches every element in the OSM 
database to own the copyright of the whole database?!?

Well, that's certainly not my understanding of copyright!

Regards, ULFL

BTW: There's a german "user" (spammer?) that exactly does that already 
on a smaller scale (unknown if he's doing it manually or by a script).

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