Pieren schrieb:
> Because the foundation is deciding now if the current Odbl 1.0 licence
> proposal will be the next OSM licence you will have to accept or
> refuse in February 2010, I would like to know what the community
> itself thinks about this Odbl 1.0.
> As Ulf Lamping said, it will be a gun on your head in Feb. 2010 where
> you will have the choice between accepting this licence or stop
> contributing to OSM and all your contributions will be removed.
> Therefore, I would like to know what "you", the contributor, thinks
> today about the transition to Odbl 1.0 licence in this opinion poll:
> http://doodle.com/feqszqirqqxi4r7w

I kind of miss the choise of "No, but I consider all my data PD". 
Because even though any PD data could be also made ODbL, there is no 
sense in declaring it PD if it's not collected and published as PD. 
Unless there is a mechanisim in OSM to e.g. "Download only PD data" or a 
seperate project that collects PD data (which is also put into 
ODbL-OSM), I don't really see a sense in saying "My data is PD", since 
it will not make any difference to "My data is ODbL". Or am I wrong?


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