On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 22:43:38 +1000, John Smith wrote:

>2009/12/14 Brendan Morley <morb....@beagle.com.au>:

>> So why not put a wall down the middle of the house and protect that with a
>> proper lock if you like, and leave the other half open for visitors to
>> freely use "in creative, productive, or unexpected ways" with as little
>> friction as possible?

>Lets not mix 2 issues up into one big ball, there is no limitations on
>using said house, however if you want to extend the house that's a
>different matter, the neighbours might want to copy the blueprints so
>they can build a similar extension and so the knowledge is passed on
>rather than hoarded.

Well it got mixed up as soon as "most maps you think of as free actually have 
legal or technical restrictions" collided with the existence of 

But to continue your blueprint analogy, the neighbours will build a "similar" 
extension to their display home and now they're obliged to take 
care of the blueprint alterations in perpetuity ... or at least while they're 
using their display home to try to sell houses ?

I think I'll call it a night, I'm not sure I understand this line of reasoning.


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