On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 9:21 PM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 2009/12/15 Anthony <o...@inbox.org>:
> > CC-BY-SA says this: "You may not offer or impose any terms on the Work
> that
> > alter or restrict the terms of this License or the recipients' exercise
> of
> > the rights granted hereunder."
> >
> > The ODbL attempts to do exactly that.
> Correct, but the reason for ODBL is because some people think/assume
> CC-BY-SA isn't enforcible on geodata.

CC-BY-SA isn't "enforcible" on anything.  It grants rights, it doesn't take
them away.

Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Well, this particular thread was asking "Why can't we run both [CC-BY-SA and
the ODbL] indefinitely?"  I gave one answer.  Because the terms of CC-BY-SA
disallow it.
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