On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 12:12 PM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 2009/12/18 Aun Johnsen <li...@gimnechiske.org>:
> > Just a suggestion that I think will satisfy both camps:
> > When the burning man us remapped (i.e. moved), add the prefix
> burning_man:
> > to all tags, that will retain them in the database, erase them from maps,
> > but still allow for special interest maps to render them.
> > This can also work for Glastonbury, Roskilde, and many other yearly
> events
> > that impacts the area where they occure.
> I disagree, if something should be added to "hide" information because
> rendering software isn't yet coded to handle the 4th D, it should be
> more generic, however I think 4th D tagging should just be figured
> out/used/whatever and then let the rendering software/editors play
> catch up like with any other new set of tags.

It is not only rendering software, but all software that use the spatial
data in some way or another. Yes the ideal is that everything supports 4D
correctly, but reality isn't that way. My opinion is that the best is to
prefix such tags in a way that "removes" it from the data structure used by
most renderers, routing, etc, but preserves the data as is. If a generic
prefix or a project specific prefix is the best is something I have offered
no thought, and since I'm not working with such projects is nothing I need
to think about. I would rather see you come up with a prefix to "hide" the
data than that somebody decides to clean out the "mess". I am completely for
using OSM for special purpose maps, but that shouldn't in the same way
clutter up a general purpose map. The burning man is an example of OSM usage
in special purpose maps, European E-number highways is an example of OSM
usage in general purpose maps. There are a lot of tags with mtb: prefix,
that is an example of special purpose maps. You get my point?
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