Morten Kjeldgaard wrote:
> I have a small New Year's wish to the developers of the OSM website. 
> When going to the "history" tab, it would be soooooo nice if you could 
> optionally remove all entries marked "(big)" from the listing. These 
> are almost always entries that cover half the planet, resulting from 
> someone doing script-work on the entire database. What I really want 
> to see when looking at the history tab is what is currently going on 
> with the map within the bbox I'm currently looking at.
> Pretty please?
> Happy New Year to all, I'm soon going out to record my last track of 
> 2009.

Whilst I agree that the (big)s are annoying, try taking a look at ITO 

You can select a rectangular area that you interested in & setup to 
receive RSS feeds listing any additions to it.
For my area it's delayed by 3-4 days, but i think there were plans to 
improve on that.

Dave F.

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