On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Morten Kjeldgaard <m...@bioxray.dk> wrote:
> I have a small New Year's wish to the developers of the OSM website. When
> going to the "history" tab, it would be soooooo nice if you could optionally
> remove all entries marked "(big)" from the listing.

We could maybe implement it together. I don't know programming but we
could learn. Source code is usually (always?) in clear plain text. If
we trust our abilities in reading or "solving puzzles" why not give it
a try?

Dave: Is ITO Mapper or osmmapper free libre software or open source
software, just like the software in the history tab is? (ie. can I
see/distribute the source code commercially/noncommercially?)

Kind regards,


Niklas Holmkvist

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