In England the work of what our colonial brothers and sisters on the paranoid 
side of the Atlantic call a 'public notary' is one of the things done by a 
'solicitor' - whereas over there a 'solicitor' is more likely to be working in 
the less salubrious parts of town and may need the services of an 'attorney' 
(aka 'lawyer'). Of course, it is not entirely unknown for an 'attorney' to use 
the services of a 'solicitor' - which may or may not be legal, according to the 
jurisdiction. Whereas in England there is nothing dubious about a 'lawyer' 
employing a 'solicitor' - or even a 'barrister' ... But maybe that's enough ...

PS. In the 1960s in order to get my then fiancée a US visa I had to swear an 
oath (that we would marry at a given time and place) in front of a 'public 
notary' in the USA and she had to do likewise in front of a 'solicitor' in 
England. Which produced a letter from the US Immigration & Naturalisation 
Service allowing her entry into the land of the free on condition that (and I 
quote) "the marriage is consummated prior to entry into the United States of 
America". Those were the days when a "body scan" on entry to the USA was a 
really serious matter (;>) ...

Mike Harris

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Paleino [] 
> Sent: 05 January 2010 19:48
> To:
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Public notary (Map feature POI proposal)
> John Smith wrote:
> > 2010/1/6 Serge Wroclawski <>:
> >> Yet the same English word "notary".
> >
> > It gets even more fun in Australia, we have JPs (Justice of 
> the Peace) 
> > to stamp/witness documents being signed, but in the US a JP is 
> > something like a judge.
> In Italy JPs are "something like a judge", and notary has the 
> same meaning as the one Serge pointed out for France (i.e. 
> part of the Judiciary, not an attorney, but needed for 
> legally binding things)
> <joke>
> amenity=notary
> notary=american-like|european-like
> </joke>
> :)
> -- 
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