Maarten Deen wrote:
> John Smith wrote:
>> Anyone feel like promoting OSM?
> Has been done by Stefan de Konink. Reply from the CEO of Nav4All: 
> "OSM has been looked at but is no solution because there is no full
> coverage". Stefan asked if Nav4All would cease activities, the reply
> was "we are still negotiating with other parties".

Why don't they give it a try ? Worst case is that they end up shutting
down anyway and lose whatever they invest in integrating OpenStreetMap
data. But above that, there is a significant likelyhood that the
incomplete data is good enough and that they will retain a large enough
fraction of their market - much better than shutting down right now...
And in the best case, they will find out that OSM is a wonderful
resource that they had ignored so far ! As others have mentioned, can
the cost of contributing to raise the data quality, from whatever it is
to good enough, be more than the extortionate prices levied by the
mapping cartels ?

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