On Feb 23, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Ian Dees wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:17 PM, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:
> I know matt takes it personally that the logo is anything other than perfect, 
> and richard takes it personally that potlatch is crap for newbies... but 
> that's just fact of the matter as I constantly hear from designers, newbies 
> and so many others. I don't care about personal feelings on those particular 
> topics nearly as much as it physically pains me to think about all the people 
> we turn away every single day because of it.
> Steve, I *really* don't want to start a flame war on the list (and I greatly 
> appreciate your hard work on OSM), but I want to make sure and shine the 
> mirror back at you a little bit. Lately your posts to this mailing list and 
> others have been very confrontational on a personal level with some people. I 
> imagine the discourse about new ideas for OSM would be much more civil if we 
> didn't have to worry about personal attacks from you. I'm not saying your 
> objections are *wrong*, but keep in mind that there are human beings 
> subscribed to this list. When they read your troll-ey responses to criticism, 
> I imagine it douses interest in continuing the on-topic conversation very 
> quickly.

oh sure - if you have any specific ones that annoy you I can try and explain 
why I was short. I think mainly it was just very annoying how TomH pissed all 
over it straight away which is actually pretty unlike him.

> Also, I did not know OSM had a UserVoice page -- perhaps you could continue 
> sharing with this list the ideas you've heard for making OSM better, but this 
> time don't slit people's throats when they make a constructive response to 
> your idea.

er... can you point to any example where I "slit people's throats when they 
make a constructive response" ?

Yours &c.


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