
one other thing.. you mention things like the three-pane front page and other 
totally new concepts...

I said to Andy that my personaly goal wasn't to try and answer such 'big' 
existential questions because it'd be too hard and could take forever. I 
figured just iterating the current design with some cleanups and maybe a 
feature or two would at least accomplish something and fix 90% of the 
annoyances I hear from people, like it's so hard to get started (youtube 
screencast right up front in the help tab) and the front page is so noisy 
(reducing the front page content and putting it all in that tab too)...

I dunno how we'd realistically answer the question of a total new start over 
design - pretty hard.

On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:12 PM, SteveC wrote:

> On Feb 23, 2010, at 2:50 PM, Tom Hughes wrote:
>> On 23/02/10 21:46, SteveC wrote:
>>> On Feb 23, 2010, at 2:46 PM, Tom Hughes wrote:
>>>> Did you read the long blog post I wrote the next morning where I attempted 
>>>> to be more constructive?
>>> No, sorry Tom, where was that?
> Cool makes a lot of sense, Tom.
> As you can see from uservoice, things you highlight like routing are very 
> important to people out there. You might also have seen the misconception in 
> blog posts back and forth last week with GIS guys that they thought OSM was 
> simply unroutable because we don't expose it. Properly explaining why that is 
> (bringing the service in house) and then doing it is I guess the right way 
> forward.
> As for the approach... I'm really not sure a hack weekend would work. Say we 
> got a designer in for a weekend. They'd actually want to sit in photoshop for 
> some period of time and then iterate the design, then code that the HTML, 
> then bolt all the functionality and so on. Could we really do any of the 
> first bits in a hack weekend?
> So I'd say it'd be more efficient and get wider input, to iterate it out here 
> on the interwebs and then code in the functionality over a hack weekend 
> maybe, or refine and tweak etc.
> I know a bunch of people don't like uservoice, but it's actually got some 
> good stuff in there now and it's what I was planning to use to iterate the 
> design feedback. A bunch of people are using it, I posit because 1) it's so 
> easy and 2) you can vote nicely on things...
> Here's my proposal for next steps:
> * put the html etc in svn or git or whatever
> * use uservoice for consensus on features to fix first (have a look, lots of 
> good stuff)
> * pay the html guy to go do it
> * iterate like this 5-10 times at least
> if you think there's a better and more inclusive system than uservoice, or 
> anyone wants to do the actual work, please of course let me know but right 
> now I'm just trying to actually move it forward bit by bit...
> and again, I'm positing uservoice just for the feedback here, whatever actual 
> feedback and bug system to use is as up in the air as anything else.
> It would be helpful to get deep and broad thoughts from the sysadmins on what 
> the different bug system technical requirements are fo ryou guys too?
> Yours &c.
> Steve
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Yours &c.


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