
Imágenes satélite de Chile post-evento están disponibles. Ver
para detalles.



-------- Message original --------
Sujet :         Re: Open Imagery for Chile
Date :  Mon, 1 Mar 2010 17:58:36 +0100
De :    David Stevens <tazarko...@gmail.com>
Répondre à :    crisismappers-ch...@googlegroups.com
Pour :  Mikel Maron <mikel_ma...@yahoo.com>
Copie à :       
Références :    <68743.49937...@web56506.mail.re3.yahoo.com>


I wanted to put forward some info and help build upon your proposal.

First of all I do want to say that UN-SPIDER is a UN Programme that has been specifically mandated by all UN Member States to help all countries as well as regional and international organisations to access and use space-based information. It is an interesting mandate because it means ensuring access and use as well as building capacity. We don't produce maps. We ensure end users and their partners are able to do it and use it for decision making. The fact we have the mandate means we work closely with the government institutions responsible for emergency response and disaster risk management and also with partners supporting these end users. More importantly after the response phase is gone and the media chasers have packed their bags and gone after another spotlight we continue working with the Government as in the case in Haiti: our work begins now as we help the Civil Protection Agency rebuild and get ready including for the next hurricane season.

We are a Cooperating Body for the United Nations to the International Charter which means whenever the UN is involved in an emergency response we activate the International Charter as has been the case for both Haiti and Chile.

The Charter does not make the imagery data available but only the end products. In some mega disasters imagery does become available for free as was the case during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the Haiti earthquake. We are working to ensure that imagery becomes a bit more widely available and not only for mega disasters. We have been involved and supported 5 disasters since Haiti and none of them received the same attention and dedication as Haiti.

Having said that we do see that imagery will be available for wider use in Chile as well. We have updated the info on what is being made available on our webpage


Two requests

First if the crisismapper community could help us include info on available imagery and geospatial data that would help. I know there are several other portals as well with similar info but for sure our end users do access the UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal first. Please feel free to replicate the info we have on other portals as well. We would appreciate a link to our portal. And we will ensure we include a link to the other portals. Please send us any info to include to the following e-mail: space...@unoosa.org <mailto:space...@unoosa.org>

Then regarding the mapping support for Chile we are open for suggestions. In Chile there are strong and efficient government institutions in place, both ONEMI and SNIT, and any effort should be centred on their needs and guidance.

One last useful info: UN-SPIDER is implemented by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. We are part of the UN Secretariat and we are the UN Office responsible for promoting the access and use of space-based technologies and solutions. Space is our business and our mandate.



David Stevens
Programme Coordinator
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Vienna - Austria
Tel. ++43-(1)-26060-5631 - Skype: tazarkount
Mobile +43 - 699 1459-5631 - E-Mail david.stev...@unoosa.org <mailto:david.stev...@unoosa.org>

On 28 February 2010 06:25, Mikel Maron <mikel_ma...@yahoo.com <mailto:mikel_ma...@yahoo.com>> wrote:


   Can we replicate the true environment of sharing that began in the
   response to Haiti?

   We are all at ready to respond once we hear the needs for Chile. OSM
   is ready to map, CrisisCamps are planned, there is an OSM Chile
   community who we are trying to get through to.
Simply, we need imagery we can use. I was hoping this would be an
   issue we all could discuss in the next few months, but now the need
   is urgent.
   The basic question ... will licensing allow use of the raw imagery
   data for response?

   * DigitalGlobe, GeoEye: Are acquisitions planned yet? Will license
   terms be dropped again?

   * Google: If you post imagery, can you make sure OSM has an
   exception to the non-commercial clause?

   * UN Charter: Any possibility of sharing imagery with volunteer groups?

   * Chris Schmidt/Schuyler Erle: Would you be ready to process imagery

   All ... any other sources or thoughts?


   == Mikel Maron ==
   +254(0)724899738 @mikel s:mikelmaron

Vienna - Austria
skype: tazarkount

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