On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 09:30, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Java6 has been around for more than three years now (and other OSM
> software, e.g. Osmosis, already depends on it) so if you are still using
> an older version it might be time to upgrade. (If you are in the
> unfortunate situation of having willfully chained yourself to one
> Hardware/OS supplier and that supplier is unwilling to release Java6 for
> your platform, it may be time to finally ditch that supplier.)

Now JOSM is compiled with Java 6 in Java 5 compatibility mode and
users like me run it with Java 6. Aside from the developers being able
to use neat Java 6 features will the existing Java 6 users notice any
speedup differences as a result of this? I.e. does java6-as-5 generate
dumbed-down bytecode that java5 that might be replaced by fancier and
faster java6-as-6 instructions?

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