On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net>wrote:

> Niklas Cholmkvist wrote:
> > How can potlatch be respectable if it is based on non-free
> > software? (non-free flash, and you can't touch their source
> > code!)
> Personally? I don't give a shit about free software. Or respectability.

OSM is composed of free software. It is built on free software.
How would it be possible without it?

I know many of the OSM people fee the same way as you do...
But think about what you are saying for a minute.

If all the code and all the tools we used were to be licensed costly
software, who would pay for OSM?
how would it exist?

It would not.

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