On 12/03/2010 07:54, John Smith wrote:
> On 12 March 2010 17:50, Frederik Ramm<frede...@remote.org>  wrote:
>> jamesmikedup...@googlemail.com wrote:
>>> If all the code and all the tools we used were to be licensed costly
>>> software, who would pay for OSM?
>> We'd all use Google Map Maker then. Under Safari ;-)
> What about Mapzen under IE? *ducks*


I love open source, really. And I will happily hold forth on how 
Potlatch is more open-source than thou thanks to its ultra-permissive 
licence (legal-talk is that way ---> ).

But I don't feel I have any right to tell someone else what "freedoms" 
they should value. I use a Mac because the freedom to use a computer in 
the way that feels right for me is, IMO, more important than the freedom 
to modify a load of source code I'm not clever enough to understand. If 
you don't like Flash that's great, that's entirely your prerogative. I 
don't mind and I promise not to bug you about your chosen editor's 
unpermissive licence. But that's my opinion, and this is yours, and 
"respectable" doesn't come into it.

Memo to self: really really don't respond to licensing-type arguments 
after n pints of Black Rat scrumpy.


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