On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 12:45:44 +0200, Frank Sautter
<openstreet...@sautter.com> wrote:
> Valent Turkovic schrieb:
>> But still ideal situation is that bots also use much smaller areas 
>> for edits so that you see if some bot has changed something in your 
>> area of interest, right?
> most bots (and also xybot) do not have any clue about the spatial 
> aspects of a way or relation.
> normally a osm-xml file is piped through a bot (e.g. perl script). if it

> stumbles upon something fishy (e.g. a multiple consecutive nodes in a 
> way) it will correct this problem on this entity. it does not know where

> in the world this problem is. it doesn't have a big database in the 
> background which it could query where this entity is located and store 
> it until the pipe has reached EOF and then make some handy spatial 
> chunks of all its changes.

Do correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the nodes have lat/lon with them and
is the location therefore known?


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