Tanveer Singh (tanveer1...@gmail.com) wrote:

> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Tanveer Singh <tanveer1...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Jukka Rahkonen <
>> jukka.rahko...@mmmtike.fi> wrote:
>>> Tanveer Singh <tanveer1979 <at> gmail.com> writes:
>>> > Thanks, this is exactly what I am looking for. Now one question, on the
>>> generated gmapsupp.img, is it possible that the track I create is of
>>> different
>>> color or something altogether. For example, lets say there are other roads
>>> in
>>> the area, and I follow the offroad track, I should not get confused with
>>> the
>>> other roads.
>>> To do it properly I guess you should use your own tag like
>>> highway=my_track in
>>> JOSM map side and make a rule for colouring it with your favourite colour
>>> on the
>>> Garmin map. Or then you can just tag for the renderer. Tag your off-roud
>>> tracks
>>> as highway=motorway and I suppose you will easily distinguish them.
>>> I guess I will use the former. For example highway=rally_track.
>> In JOSM is there a way to assign a color and thickness to such a track. It
>> should be visible at all zoom levels more detailed than 9
>> regards
>> Tanveer

The way the line appears in the final gmapsupp.img is controlled by  
mkgmap's style rules.  Different OSM tags are assigned different  
Garmin line types by the style rules.  So you can control how your  
tracks appear by selecting the specific Garmin line type that is  
assigned to them.  If you want to go beyond this and use a custom  
style* for your lines you will need to delve into the dark art of TYP  

* i.e. one that isn't a Garmin default for your particular GPSr

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