On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Dan Karran <d...@karran.net> wrote:
> I was trying last night to tile some maps and imagery that I have
> access to. I've got MapTiler set up to generate the tiles, but I've
> noticed that it seems to be generating tile numbers that are different
> from the ones used for tiles in OSM, so Potlatch isn't able to pick
> them up. The tiles look the same, and the directories are numbered
> correctly, but just that the actual tiles are numbered differently.
> http://themap.im/tiles/2007_OLM_SW_tiff/13/3987/5565.png
> http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/13/3987/2626.png
> Can anyone point me in the right direction? Am I just using the wrong 
> settings?

gdal2tiles, and probably MapTiler too, produce OGC-approved,
industry-standard "TMS" tiles, which are numbered from bottom left.
Over here in the real world, everyone else uses tiles numbered from
the top left. That's almost certainly the problem.

I don't know how to fix it for you, but maybe look for an option "(x)
ignore the standards when the standards are wrong" option in MapTiler?


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