On 11 May 2010 14:45, Jukka Rahkonen <jukka.rahko...@mmmtike.fi> wrote:

> There is an active ticket about making Potlatch to support TMS tiling schema.
> Richard Fairhurst is willing to implement it but he is busy. It will be a 
> great
> feature when it is ready because MapTiler is so simple to use. And because it 
> is
> using GDAL it supports very many formats and projections.

I found that ticket just after I posted, when I realised is was TMS
that was being used. That'd be a great option to have if that's the
standard that's being moved towards. I was quite pleased at how easy
to use MapTiler was, and I guess the easier the process, the more
likely people would be to let us use their geodata.

> Another possibility would be to make MapTiler to create tiles according to
> Google naming schema but I guess that Klokan is busy too, maybe with the OGC
> WTMS http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wmts

That'd be handy too.

> Anyway, some day Potlatch will support TMS tiles.


Dan Karran

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