Dan Karran <dan <at> karran.net> writes:

> I was trying last night to tile some maps and imagery that I have
> access to. I've got MapTiler set up to generate the tiles, but I've
> noticed that it seems to be generating tile numbers that are different
> from the ones used for tiles in OSM, so Potlatch isn't able to pick
> them up. The tiles look the same, and the directories are numbered
> correctly, but just that the actual tiles are numbered differently.
> http://themap.im/tiles/2007_OLM_SW_tiff/13/3987/5565.png
> http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/13/3987/2626.png
> Can anyone point me in the right direction? Am I just using the wrong 
> settings?


There is an active ticket about making Potlatch to support TMS tiling schema.
Richard Fairhurst is willing to implement it but he is busy. It will be a great
feature when it is ready because MapTiler is so simple to use. And because it is
using GDAL it supports very many formats and projections. 

Another possibility would be to make MapTiler to create tiles according to
Google naming schema but I guess that Klokan is busy too, maybe with the OGC
WTMS http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wmts

Anyway, some day Potlatch will support TMS tiles.

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