
OSMAustralia is awesome, and it's exactly the kind of simple
user-centric website that I think is useful for end-users.

However, I am not sure of what are you suggesting me. How do you see
"uniting/combining/linking/organizing" all those hundreds of small
projects without creating a new fresh repository ?

In any case, we're on the same track here. I do not want to duplicate
any effort, and do not feel like developing the NIH (Not Invented Here)


On Sun, 2010-05-16 at 12:13 +1000, Steve Bennett wrote:
> On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Sami Dalouche <sko...@free.fr> wrote:
> > What I see is hundreds of small projects or individual people creating
> ...
> > So, I am currently thinking of starting a complementary project to OSM
> See the problem here? IMHO if you want to put some effort into this,
> the best thing you could do would be to try and
> unite/combine/link/organise all those "hundreds of small projects" -
> rather than just start another one.
> My experience has been that for part of the world, there is a
> different project somewhere producing the maps you need. For example,
> in australia, it's really easy:
> http://www.osmaustralia.org/downloads.php
> In the case of Garmin, complication seems to also arise from the fact
> that earlier Garmins required special software (like Mapsource) to
> load the maps onto the device. Newer ones (like my Oregon 550) are
> trivial: simply download a .img file, and copy it into the right
> directory.
> So, I think there need to be more services of this kind: websites that
> regularly (eg, every week or more often) generate .img files of a
> given area, in a number of styles (eg, hiking, cycling, driving...)
> There is already a central registry of these kinds of sites:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/Download
> But it could be improved.
> Steve

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