On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:46 AM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Robert Martinez wrote:
> > Now, could everybody still in doubt please do a simple google
> > image search for "good logo" and check for logos that tell a story!
> > I bet you'll hardly find any.
> Robert, I think you have produced a good logo. Not an outstanding one, like
> (to quote two of my favourites) British Waterways' evocative
> bridge-and-bulrushes
> (http://www.britishwaterways.co.uk/media/images/logo_bw.gif), or Factory
> Records' wonderfully stylised  1980s effort
> (http://seandodson.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/factory_records.jpg). But a
> perfectly decent logo.

Interesting... I think those logos are crappy. But hey, let's take
your point and run with it. So we have bridge-and-bulrushes for
British Waterways', and a factory-and-wave for Factory Records. Do we
really want map-and-magnifying-glass-and-ones-and-zeros for OSM? Or
can we break that down/simplify that a bit, so designers have some
more room to move? Maybe that would help us to find some common ground
between those emphasising the importance of story vs those emphasising

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