2010/5/17 Robert Martinez <m...@mray.de>:
> right. that would be the a term.
> You don't have to be a designer to use the "desaturate" button.
> The challange is to make it work afterwards.
> The current logo does not work monochromatic, mine does.

have you ever seen a monochromatic version of the current logo? IMHO
that could be a task to show skills: redesign the current logo for
monochromatic display (and I'm not talking about rasterizing oder
desaturating, just in case ...).

>> this is not be read as long story, it is about symbology.
> If stories and symbols have really nothing in common.

OK, you misunderstood me: they have something in common, but a logo
mustn't be a comic strip.

> So do the examples you provide:
> the DB logo works by symbolizing an abstract shape (maybe with associations
> of rising stock markets) to itself.

it is a rising graph (be it stockmarket, economy or the bank's value
itself), something that goes up (positive) plus it is a percent-symbol
(the money the bank will take from you in my interpretation, they'll
probably tell you the story somehow differently saying it symbolizes
the percents your money will grow or sth like that).

> Windows uses an illustration of the semantic meaning of its name.

yes, and ubuntu uses three people in a circle (abstract but clearly
about community, social).

What's so difficult to understand about this? Yourself are using a
flag in a joystick / on a map. Not that it looks completely bad, but
it IMHO doesn't represent OSM or the project, idea and comunity behind
it. - And as many have pointed out here: it does look like a logo for
a POI-collecting project or a golf course.


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