At 2010-07-06 13:21, Pieren wrote:
On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Alan Mintz <> wrote:
It's exactly because they are added from different sources that it is incorrect to merge them. If you adjust a border from a "more accurate" source, you should adjust that border, not everything else that is glued to it (other than that of it's neighbor siblings). The source you use for the border is correct for the border alone. It may happen to coincide in places with the physical centerline of a feature, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are the same thing.
You missunderstood : the definition of the border IS the middle of the road or river. If we find a legal source for the admin boundary, it is most of the time less accurate then a GPS trace following the feature irl.

I didn't mis-understand. My point is that the legal source for the admin boundary is, by definition, accurate, regardless of whether it actually coincides with anything else. Can you point to an example?

Alan Mintz <>

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