Tobias Knerr schrieb:
Loss of data is the primary concern about the license change for quite a
lot of mappers. Dealing with their worries is worth the delay.

After reading ODbL I would say yes, OSM should change licence,
but after reading the process proposed for changing licence
including a lost of data frem mappers not reachable or saying no,
I cannot say yes to this change!
This process is only dealing with worries about copyright
(but everyone sais, that licences are similar, still by-sa,
only filling gaps where CC has some wholes ... if this is true,
there should no worries about copyright ...)
but ignoring all worries about data loss ...

An argument for allowing anyone who responded to the license upgrade
question to vote could be that the referendum, among other advantages,
will make people less likely to (ab)use the license change question as a
vote. If some people cannot vote in the referendum, they might still be
inclined to do this, which we probably want to avoid.

I cannot accept a process with loss of data.
If there is a loss of data I will leave OSM.

The only possibility to avoid loss of data (if process proposed isn't
changed because of this discussions, I'm still hoping for this ...)
is to (ab)use the licence change question as a vote, hoping that
reaching the critical mass will fail. Using this vote it might be easyer
because they want a really high of percentage of user accepting new licence.
If my vote failed and licence is changing with loss of data,
I leave the project including my data, because of combination of
vote and licence change of my data ...

If it is divided in two questions, the chance of avoiding licence change
and lost of date will sink, because only 2/3 or similar is needed(?),
the probability that I leave theproject arises, but my data will rest
inside OSM ...

I just don't know which choice is better for me ...
I would prefer a solution without any data loss for any licence at the end.

Heiko "Mueck" Jacobs

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