According to what was announced when the news about the proposed new license 
terms came out, any data that originated with someone who doesn't agree with 
the new license will be removed from the database, meaning that any subsequent 
edits to that data will be removed as well, even if the subsequent edits were 
done by people who agree to the new license.

-------Original Email-------
Subject :Re: [OSM-talk] fact-based vote?
Date  :Sat Jul 17 13:07:09 America/Chicago 2010

On 17 Jul 2010, at 2:05 , Heiko Jacobs wrote:

> I cannot accept a process with loss of data.
> If there is a loss of data I will leave OSM.

there is no loss of data! It has always been said that the old data will remain 
available under the old license.

> The only possibility to avoid loss of data (if process proposed isn't
> changed because of this discussions, I'm still hoping for this ...)
> is to (ab)use the licence change question as a vote, hoping that
> reaching the critical mass will fail. Using this vote it might be easyer
> because they want a really high of percentage of user accepting new licence.
> If my vote failed and licence is changing with loss of data,
> I leave the project including my data, because of combination of
> vote and licence change of my data …

strategic voting is really wrong and stupid. playing this game by many will put 
the project on more risk for nothing. If you think Odbl is the better license 
vote for it or PD as a third choice.
If you don't like the process of how data is converted what is considered minor 
edits and can still be relicensed without loss … then better raise your voice 
absolutely agree we need to work on a smooth process to minimize loss. There is 
no decision on this process there is no plan there are just many ideas. So 
let's make this switch or abandon it as fast as possible.
No decision is the worst for OSM. personally I don't mind which of the 2 
license we use but we need a clear statement where we go. this took already too 
long and holds back imports from non PD sources. Puts all consumers of OSM data 
at risk to have to back out at some time or go a very painful way to mix data 
from old planet with new Odbl for some time.

> If it is divided in two questions, the chance of avoiding licence change
> and lost of date will sink, because only 2/3 or similar is needed(?),
> the probability that I leave theproject arises, but my data will rest
> inside OSM …

yes, the second question has never been asked, so why do you expect an answer. 
and again data is not lost. I am sure the OSMF has the same wish as you and I 
and will come up with a reasonable plan when the first is answered positively. 

John F. Eldredge --
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all." -- Hypatia of Alexandria
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